Dance class with Holi flavor at Children\’s Museum and Theatre today

Dance class with Holi flavor at Children\’s Museum and Theatre today

hi all,February flew by (having a month long cold and cough will do that to you) and here we are in March, with hopes of Spring and intense preparations for a very special event coming up on March 21st. But more about that later, as it deserves a detailed description- soon to come.But first, we…

February events: Performance at Children\’s Museum and Theatre and children\’s classes

While we have put our Portland adult dance class on hiatus for the time being (we are now accepting registrations for the spring, starting in March or April once we have a full group), there are several events geared at children coming up soon.The Children\’s Museum and Theater of Portland has a wonderful exhibit on…

Update on dance class: make learning dance your resolution for 2015

Time sure is rushing by this time of year.( Diwali came and flew by – more details to follow once we get some photos from the wonderful event that took place last Saturday in Cape Elizabeth.) Thanksgiving rushed by leaving many with dreams of renewed fitness from January.A needed update on the upcoming dance class…

New Bharata Natyam dance class at Mayo st Arts Center
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New Bharata Natyam dance class at Mayo st Arts Center

As previously mentioned, we-ve been planning new dance classes to help adults and children experience the joy of learning Bharata Natyam right here in Maine. We are happy to announce the first class will take place at Mayo st Arts center, Saturdays 10 to 11 am. Starting date is planned for November 1st (followed by…

Upcoming events: Performance at Diwali IAM Celebration and new class!
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Upcoming events: Performance at Diwali IAM Celebration and new class!

We are fully enveloped by the richness of fall here in Maine: the leaves have glorious colors that always leaves one with the desire to have some ability to paint, there is an abundance of pumpkins decorating houses and tables, families go apple picking, and the kids are enjoying new friends at school! What better…

William Blake and Bharata Natyam: Beyond (Innocence and Experience)
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William Blake and Bharata Natyam: Beyond (Innocence and Experience)

\” To see a world in a grain of sand,And a heaven in a wild flowerHold infinity in the palm of your hand,And Eternity in an hour.\”by William Blake Inspiration for creating dance or dance-theatre performances comes from many sources: from ideas, dreams, from the music that we may want to use. While William Blake\’s…