Special performance tomorrow: World Day for Inner Peace in Portland

Have you ever been involved in a project so close to your vision, that you were quite happy to spend months working on it, trying to make its various aspects work? Such is the idea that stands behind the event that I feel honored to be a part of, happening tomorrow in Portland.

The World Day for Inner Peace will be celebrated tomorrow in more than 30 countries, one of which is my native Romania. Here is the link to the events happening in Bucharest this weekend.http://www.comunicatedepresa.ro/asociatia-sahaja-yoga-romania/ziua-internationala-a-pacii-interioare-celebrata-la-bucuresti/
This is just an example of the many similar live performances, media interviews and more happening in many places in Europe, USA and beyond.

Please join us tomorrow, March 21st at 3 pm at East End school, 195 North st, Portland. The entry is free for all. The program includes Indian traditional and classical music with special guests from New Jersey, a short film about the World Day for Inner Peace, a meditation and Indian classical dance by yours truly. For more details please click on:

Or click here to read the brochure about the event.

And now that Spring is officially coming (Brrr, hopefully not too much snow tomorrow), come celebrate it with us tomorrow!

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