Dance class with Holi flavor at Children\’s Museum and Theatre today
hi all,
February flew by (having a month long cold and cough will do that to you) and here we are in March, with hopes of Spring and intense preparations for a very special event coming up on March 21st. But more about that later, as it deserves a detailed description- soon to come.
But first, we just changed our time to an hour later. And this morning, we are completing a 3 week class at the Children\’s Museum and Theater in Portland, our favorite destination these past couple of months. Today the children will show what they learned in a mini-performance open to the public, and also today we have a special Holi celebration at the Museum. What is Holi you ask? Well, if you need to ask that question, please join us at the museum and find out first hand: there-ll be Holi powders, refreshments and more fun today at the museum.
Here are some photos from previous classes.